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DDC-I and OAR Demonstrate Deos/RTEMS RTOS Integration

DDC-I and OAR Demonstrate Deos/RTEMS RTOS Integration at US Army Aviation FACE™ Technical Interchange Meeting

Phoenix, AZ. February 2, 2016. DDC-I, a leading supplier of software and professional services for mission- and safety-critical applications, and On-Line Applications Research (OAR), developer of the RTEMS™ real-time operating system, today announced that they will showcase an integration of DDC-I’s Deos™ safety-critical RTOS with RTEMS at the US Army Aviation FACE™ Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM). The integration, which will feature RTEMS hosted in a Deos time partition, will offer safety-critical developers targeting the FACE Safety Base Profile a versatile RTOS solution that delivers hard real-time response, time- and space-partitioning, and both POSIX and ARINC-653 interfaces in a DO-178C certifiable package.

The FACE TIM, hosted by US Army Aviation, will be held on February 2 at the South Hall of the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, AL. Over 30 partners from industry and government will showcase products aligned with the FACE Technical Standard that will help warfighters quickly and affordably benefit from continued software innovations. The venue is open to all visitors who are interested in open standards and open architectures for aviation systems. For more information on the FACE exhibits, visit

"DDC-I is delighted to partner with OAR to showcase the integration of Deos and RTEMS as a best-in-class FACE candidate operating system,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing and product management at DDC-I. “This integration will be very attractive to avionics developers targeting a FACE environment who desire a readily certifiable RTOS solution that combines state of the art RTOS capabilities with maximum portability.”

“Deos and RTEMS provide an excellent platform for quickly developing, verifying, certifying and deploying safety-critical applications that offer enhanced portability, interoperability and reusability,” added Dr. Joel Sherrill, Director of Research and Development at OAR. “We look forward to working with DDC-I to demonstrate this integrated solution at the FACE TIM, and working with our joint customers in the defense industry to quickly deliver optimal solutions that offer the utmost in safety and security at the lowest possible cost.”

Deos is a safety-critical embedded RTOS that has been certified to DO-178 DAL A since 1998. Featuring deterministic real-time response, the time and space partitioned RTOS employs patented 'slack scheduling' and cache partitioning to deliver faster worst-case response and higher CPU utilization than any other certifiable safety-critical COTS RTOS. Deos was built from the ground up for safety-critical applications, and is the only certifiable time and space partitioned COTS RTOS that has been created using RTCA DO-178, Level A processes from the very first day of its product development. Deos provides the easiest, lowest cost path of any COTS RTOS to DO-178 Level A certification, the highest level of safety criticality.

RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) is an open source, full featured RTOS that delivers hard real-time response and supports a variety of open standard application programming interfaces (API) and interface standards such as POSIX and BSD sockets. RTEMS is used in space flight, medical devices, networking and many more embedded systems across a wide range of processor architectures including ARM, PowerPC, Intel, Blackfin, MIPS, Microblaze and more.

About The Open Group FACE Consortium
The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™) Consortium, a consortium of The Open Group, is an aviation-focused professional group made up of U.S. industry suppliers, customers and users. The FACE Consortium provides a vendor-neutral forum for industry and the U.S. government to work together to develop and consolidate the open standards, best practices, guidance documents and business models necessary to achieve these results.
For more information visit:

About OAR
On-Line Applications Research (OAR) Corporation was founded in 1978 to research, develop, and implement practical solutions to computer science and engineering problems in commercial and military marketplaces. OAR’s expertise includes open source, real-time systems, object oriented design, operating systems, system architecture, verification, and validation. OAR is also the original developer and maintainer of the RTEMS real-time operating system. OAR provides a unique set of services for RTEMS including support, training, and custom development. For more information regarding OAR, contact OAR at 7047 Old Madison Pike, Suite 320, Huntsville, AL 35806; phone (256) 722-9985; fax (256) 722-0985; e-mail or visit and

About DDC-I, Inc.
DDC-I, Inc. is a global supplier of real-time operating systems, software development tools, custom software development services, and legacy software system modernization solutions, with a primary focus on mission- and safety-critical applications. DDC-I's customer base is an impressive “who's who” in the commercial, military, aerospace, and safety-critical industries. DDC-I offers safety-critical real-time operating systems, compilers, integrated development environments and run-time systems for C, C++, Ada and JOVIAL application development. For more information regarding DDC-I products, contact DDC-I at 4600 E. Shea Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85028; phone (602) 275-7172; fax (602) 252-6054; e-mail or visit